Thursday, January 13, 2005

"Taking Stock" - January 18th at AMPAS

The SMPTE committee will be having a meeting on Jan.18th at 6:30pm at the Linwood Dunn Theatre of the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences, titled "Taking Stock - Film emulsions today & tomorrow." They say they will be showing film clips and it would be interesting to see and hear them discuss the historical development of film stocks. For more information visit or email me at I can forward the detailed email to whomever is interested in it. For non-members it will be $10.00.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

More details about the Prelinger lecture

Rick Prelinger will be speaking on Thursday, Jan 27th at the GSEIS building at UCLA in Rm.111. It is the annual Lazerow lecture and will be held from 3 - 5pm. Also, if you are not a student you are welcome to attend. Parking is $7.00.

I hope that people make it out.

Sunday, January 09, 2005


originally uploaded by Miss Martini.
Testing how to blog using Flickr...

AMIA SC events

There are a number of events scheduled for the coming quarter. The board had a meeting last night and the minutes will be posted on the AMIA SC website once it has been approved by the board. The big news is that the student chapter meeting will take place on Wednesday, Jan. 19 at 1:30pm. Also, if there are people interested in attending the Rick Prelinger lecture on January 27th please let me know. And if you are interested in posting your thoughts on the blog that would be great.

Aside from that, the quarter is again looking overwhelmingly busy. I am focusing on taking courses in the Information Studies department instead of taking classes in the MIAS program. Hopefully, I will have time to see all of you during the quarter. Good luck with your classes.