Thursday, January 06, 2005

"Overlord" Screening Feb.4

Brian suggested that people check out "Overlord" because they
utilize a lot of archival footage. It will be screened at UCLA. Hopefully we
can set up a group to go view this.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Upcoming events

Winter quarter is starting January 6th and I just wanted to let you know about what's happening the next two quarter.

- Brian Drischell and Julie Kessler-Gumpert are working on screenings for Spring Quarter. It will be a joint effort with Melnitz Movies and the AMIA student chapter. If anyone is interested in helping out or have any film suggestions, contact Brian at There is a link to his email on the AMIA SC website.

- For winter quarter, I am setting up a tour of Pro-Tek Labs. Rick Utley will lead the tour and also tell us about issues in preservation. He is very knowledgable so I hope that you can make it.

- Rick Prelinger will be a guest speaker on Jan.27th at UCLA. It is sponsered by the Center for Evidence.

If anyone has suggestions for fund raisers please let us know.

Sunday, January 02, 2005


Hi Everybody,

so, I am trying to figure out how to use Flickr and how to utilize this blog. If anyone knows how to tweak this blog to show images from Flickr, would you be able to help me figure it out? let me know...

Anyway, there is a link..since i test if you want to look at some related and unrelated on the flickr link in that last post.



This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.